
A Reformed-Baptist Missionary Looks at Spiritual Warfare

A career missionary with WEC International, Dr. Pikkert  has spent much of his adult life in the Middle East, where he taught Bible and theology at a small training facility in a large urban centre. From 2014 to 2018 he and his wife Anna served at Cornerstone Bible College for Mission Training, in The Netherlands, where he taught Missions, Bible and Theology. In 2018 the family moved back to Canada, where he taught at Toronto Baptist Seminary, and MissionPREP. He is currently seconded to Training Leaders International .

He is comfortable in 4 languages, Arabic, Dutch, English and Turkish, has written numerous articles and a number of books, including Protestant Missionaries to the Middle East: Ambassadors of Christ or Culture?, The Epic of God and Man, The Essence and Implications of Missio Dei and Theology 101.

Contact: contact@wec-canada.org

Website:  WEC Canada – Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (wec-canada.org)

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